Thursday, January 23, 2020

Bug List

Daniel Kaplan
The bugs that annoy me the most

1. In the mornings, my food taste really bad if I eat after brushing my teeth.
-This exists because of a chemical inside of toothpaste

2. When I shower, the water temperature is either Antartica or Haides.
-This exists because plumbers don't need a college education

3. My feet get really dirty from the walk from the shower to my closet.
-This exists because my floor is pretty dirty 

4. If I brush my chair up against the front of my wall, little paint chips fall off
-This exists because the painter of my room did a horrible job

5. My room has a very weird and unique smell to it.
-This exists because I do not take care of my room

6. If I see someone I know on my way to class they try to talk to me even if I am running late.
-This exists because I do not say anything about me being late to class until its too late

7. Turlington preachers do not take no for an answer whenever I pass through.
-This exists because I do not wear headphones when I walk past them

8. My mom will get mad at me if I don't call her, but gets mad at me for asking for something everytime I call her.
-This exists because I love my mom but I am usually only calling her when I need somehing

9. If I get hungry past 12 am there is very limited options for food.
-This exists because many places close earlier for some reason

10.  My shoes get very dirty if I wear them for too long.
-This exists because I am a very messy person

11. It is way too cold to be using my scooter during any sort of cold temperature.
-This exists because the wind + freezing cold weather is too strong for my weak body

12. My hoodie falls off of my head in the wind while I am on my scooter.
-This exists because the hoodie is not attached to my head enough

13. I get very bored during class if it is only lecture or a really long class.
-This exists because I might have AD/HD and I get bored very easily

14. On Tuesdays, my first class is always so cold, but my second class is always so hot
-This exists because each teacher has their own style of torturing their students

15. The second I get home from class I want to take a nap but it is too bright to sleep
-This exists because their is a window directly next to my bed which exposes direct sunlight

16. If I am hungry not during a meal time it is too expensive to use uber eats by myself
-This exists because I am a broke college students and uber eats is very expensive

17. I want to watch the gator basketball game but would have to wait in at least a 3 hour line to get good seats
-This exists because there is a very high demand for gator basketball games especially if we are playing a good opponent

18. I spilled some hot sauce on my pants during dinner and couldn't get the stain out.
-This exists because I am a very messy child and had not detergent or whatever people use to get stains out

19. I like taking a nice jog every once in a while but recently it has been too cold to not go without a sweatshirt but then I sweat too much
-This exists because even though its cold outside, I can still sweat because my body is overworking itself

20. The elevators at the standard take way too much time to get to my floor and way too much time to get called.
-This exists because the standard elevators are over used and sometimes brake

Overall, I did not find this assignment too difficult. As a very judgemental individual, I can easily find things going wrong with every situation. Over time I have been collecting small data through notes on my iPhone. I have been writing down anything that didn't seem right to me. After less than a week, I already came up with over 30 different mini bugs that I could live without. I chose my favorite or I guess least favorite 20 and put the thoughts into paper. It did not take too much difficulty id imagine because I complied this list over time versus thinking about it a day before or even while writing it. I also found this assignment easier because I go through a lot of bugs throughout my day to day life but do not have the effort to fix them. This is because it would take too much money or too much effort in order to do so. 


  1. Hi Daniel!

    Really entertaining post! I completely agree with some of these bugs and go through similar struggles. I really liked your approach of keeping a tab on these disturbances over a weeks period, because you had a chance to freshly experience and record them. Not only does this mean that your bugs were raw, but it also allowed you to recount them effectively. Something that really helped me in my post was to compare my bugs with other people, and see if these issues were just personal or universally accepted. Overall, really good job!

  2. Hi Daniel,
    I appreciate your list, it reminds me what living in a dorm/on campus housing was like. If you missed a meal time at a dining hall you had to fend for yourself which was difficult on your own but easier if you knew someone with a car. Not having a warm toasty car in the winter is rough and even when you do, you still have to walk to campus. Your bugs included many different topics and I can understand most of them.
