Friday, April 17, 2020

28A Your exit strategy

1) The exit strategy I plan to take is to sell the business to a private investor. This will allow me to gain a lot of capital in order to be able to start another business or invest it. I think once the business is worth a lot of money it would be in my best interest to sell it rather than continue.

2) I selected this exit strategy because I am not at a good time period in my life to continue a business adventure like this. I need to gain the necessary experience in the job field before I am able to continue as an entrepreneur.

3) I think my exit strategy has had very little influence on any of my other strategies. Even though I plan on trying to sell the business I do not treat it any differently. I still act like it is my precious baby and not to mess anything up. On the other hand, it has give a lot less motivation to work on different growth strategies.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Daniel! I think its great that you are able to identify the benefits in exiting your business early. A lot of people want to stay in a business or are reluctant to sell it to an unknown individual/company, but doing so can often help the business grow. For example, because your not at a time in your life when you feel you can dedicate 100% to your business, it may be beneficial for you to sell it early.
