Thursday, March 19, 2020

17A Elevator Pitch No.2

Here is a link to the second Elevator Pitch:

I think the most useful feedback from last time was the way that I spoke. I did not speak in a professional manner, rather I was pretty nervous to record myself. Listening to the feedback, it seems like more people noticed that than I would expect.

This time I am preparing a lot more for this presentation. This will help me become less nervous for it and be able to speak more concise and clearly.


  1. Hi Daniel,
    I think you provided a lot of information about your company in a relevant matter. You improved on a lot from the last attempt. Off the bat, I noticed that you were not dressed professionally and had background music. I think the music acted as a distraction almost, so something to consider next time is to maybe not have the background music. Overall, keep up the good work.

  2. Hi Daniel! Awesome job on presenting why it would be useful to have a scooter in Gainesville. However, because of the light on your face and music in the background I wasn't able to see or hear you well. Also you had some big pauses between words, so maybe practice going through it in a regular talking speed next time. Despite this, good job on mentioning liability and why this sets you apart from other scooter companies.
