Thursday, February 6, 2020

8A Solving the Problem

I feel as if creating a local scooter company would be a great chance to solve this problem. I think if I were to do this, I would get scooters that require a dock. This would provide an opportunity for the students to be able to park the scooters anywhere the dock is. This allows for very easy access to campus and around campus for the UF students. The scooters would have to be low cost and lower quality to allow for students to be able to afford it. This would help solve the transportation issue as scooters can be used to quickly get around town.


  1. Hi Daniel! I think you have an interesting idea here for creating a scooter that requires a dock. I can see that you are trying to tackle the larger issue of parking on campus. However, I'm not sure that the dock really solves this issue. Where would students put the dock? How would the dock take the place of parking in a parking lot or parking garage that is designated for scooters? I really liked your idea for an electric scooter. It solves a different problem, which is that scooters are bad for the environment. I would be interested in seeing you further think through this problem. Just a thought!

  2. Hi Daniel!
    I agree that parking at UF is definitely a problem. However, I am not sure that a dock is the best option. The dock would take up more space. The scooters also can be easily damaged and may have to be replaced often. Also, what would your plan be for maintenance on scooters? I think you should brainstorm more options and add a little more detail to your next post.

  3. Hi Daniel! While I think this could provide a potential solution to the congestion that can occur at UF from time to time, it could add to the problem if students opt for scooters rather than just walking. The time it takes to charge each scooter and cost of the docks is also something that needs to be taken into account. While it definately would make getting around easier, the cost/benefits of implementing this system needs to be assessed by the University.

  4. well when renting electric scooter people usually parked them wherever they wanted, there is no charging stations and docks for them, however it requires more time for maintenance as technician has to track them on map, go and grab single individual scooter and spend time on charging... however, delivering scooters to charging stations/docks solves a huge problem, so I think it would be a great idea to give customers a discount for next ride if they deliver it to the charging station . Overall it is a great idea to have scooters in campus, licensing with uber/lyft/bird would be a solution I think. In addition, I think university will require special sidewalks for them for safety reason
